Staining process
A reticulocyte stain is a technique a day of Highlight RNA
in reticulocytes, A type oc Immuture RBC. This stain commonly use in Hematology
department in pathology lab.
Edta sample mixed with Reticulocyte staining Solution(Methylene
After Mixed incubate at room temperature.
Prepare a blood smears
Wait A slide Air-dried the smear
Examined under microscope
The number of reticulocyte count in the patient blood sample
is countyed and expressed a percentage
The stain show the RNA in reticulocytes as a blue colour
against the pink colour of the rest of the cell.
The pattern of the blue colour indicatye the stage of the reticulocyte
A hight reticulocyte count can indicate that immutur red
blood cells are not surviving longenough, & that the bone marrow needs to increase
The reticulocyte count is an important role of monitoring of
red blood cellssurvival & formation activity of bone marrow.
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