Tuesday, June 14, 2022



Describe Lab diagnosis of cholera

          1. Dark ground illumination examination of stool for darting motility. Diagnosis is confirmed by adding antiserum to the sample which abolish the motility .

           2. Cultural isolation from stool on tellurite gelatin agar or any other special medium particularly , alkaline peptone water and thiosulphate eitrate bile salt.

            3. By chemical reaction :- Cholera Vibrio ferments glucose , maltose , mannite and sucrose with acid production only.

             4. Cholera Red Reaction :- This is rapid method of diagnosis bacteria grown in peptone water is mixed with 1 drop of Conc Hzso4 media turns red if cholera is present.

              5. GRERG test for hemolysis :- It is done for differentiating cholera from EL – TORS , EL – TOR is haemolytic and cholera is not.

               6. Agglutination Test :- For antigenic classification into oguva , in ova and hikajima.

              7.  Phage typing by phage – 4 :- Cholera is not killed by phage – 4.

              8. String Test :- Bacterial suspension + 0 ˙5 % sodium deoxycholate – Clera the turbidity + mucoid-+ ve.

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