Monday, December 20, 2021

Effecting liver viruses & Hepatitis‘B’virus infection

                          Effecting liver viruses & Hepatitis‘B’virus infection

        Ans :  The following viruses affect liver.

                                 I.            Yellow fever virus ( Arbo virus ).

                               II.            Lyssa fever virus.

                             III.            Merbury virus.

                            IV.            EB virus ( Epstin bar virus ).

                              V.            CXytomegalo virus.

                            VI.            Herpes virus.

                           VII.            Rubella virus.

                         VIII.            Coxsackie virus.

                             IX.            Hepatitis-A virus.

                               X.            Hepatatis-B virus

                             XI.            Hepatitis-C,D &E virus.


Ø  Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis ‘B’ virus:

                                  I.             Demostration of virus by using immune electron microscope from fecal specimen.

                                 II.            CIE ( Counter in immune electrophoresis ).

                               III.            RIA & ELISA technique are done:-

                              IV.            The following serological and viral marker are done.

a.       Detection of HBSAg – Appears early in blod vafter 6 weeks.

b.       Demonstration of Anti –HBS – Appears after 3 months against HBSAg in serum.

c.       Detection of HBEAg – Derived core protein.

d.       Anti HBe – Appears after disappearencer of HBeAg.

e.       Anti HBc – Detection in serum of Acute hepatitis-B.

f.        HBV DNA – Detected by southeron blot technique present in acute stage.

                                V.            Isolation of virus on tissue culture.

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