Sunday, August 15, 2021

What is AIDS, & Diagnosis of AIDS in laboratory

What is AIDS,  & Diagnosis of AIDS in laboratory

Aids stands for Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome. It is the end stage of disease                                        representing the breakdown of immune defence mechanism, leaving the patient pray to                        opportunistic infection and malignancies the illness progress and death ensues in month to year.                       Due to most system affected, patient present with various complain.

        (a). Increasing dry cough, dyspnea and fever.

        (b). Gastrointestinal system in GIT it causes thrush, Gingivitis, Dysphasic chronic Colitis.

        (c). Lymphoma of CNS.

Ø  Causative organism in HIV(HUMAN IMMUNO DEFICIENCY) diagnosis of AIDS in laboratory.

(a). Screening test: ELISA test for HIV and HIV card test are done to screen out the patient. If it is                                                                           found positive then it should be conform by specific test.

(b). Specific test for HIV:-

(i). Antigen detection: The virus antigen may be detectable in blood after about 2 weeks.

(ii). PCR: It stands for polymerase chain reaction. It is most sensitive and specific test. It is used                     in two forms DNA   PCR & RNA   PCR

(iii). Antibody detection: It is done by serological method. It may take 2-8 weeks to months for                                                      antibody to appear after infection.

(iv). Wesion biot test: It is very useful confirmatory test.

(c). Immunological test:-

(i). Total leucocyte and Lymphocyle count to demonstrate leucopaenia and lumphocyte count us                  n    usually below 2000/ml.


(iii). Cell count will be usually < 2000/ml

       Platelets count will show throbocytopaenia

       Raised IgG and IgA level

       Lymphnode biopsy showing abnormalities

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