Friday, August 6, 2021

transmission of HIV infection


HIV ( Human immune deficiency virus ) is a lentivirus ( member of retrovirus family ) that causes AIDS in which progressive failure of immune system allow life threatening opportunistic infection and cancer to thrive. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood , semen , vaginal fluid , pre-ejaculate or breast milk. Within these body fluids HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells the four major routes of transmission are:

                                                 Unsafe sex Contaminated Nidles Breast milk Transmission from an infected mother to her baby of birth.

                                        Normal social and domestic contact does not transmit the infection. Shaking hands, hugging, putting cheeks together or dry kissing are safe. There has been no confirmed case of transmission through saliva, through the virus may be present in the saliva of infected person. There is also no evidence of transmission by mosquitoes, bed-bugs or other blood sucking insects. Infection is not transmitted through air, food, water or fumiles.

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