Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Post-mortem of Lab animals


1.       Post-mortem of Lab animals

Post mortem is scientific examination of tissues and organs of a dead animal or cadaver determine cause of death, extent of lesion and nature of illness. This is also called atopsy. Following changes should be noted during postmortem examination.

              1. Hypostatic congestion

             2. Rigor mortis

             3. Decomposition and soft ening of tissue.

             4. Condition of organs, viscera, bones and joints.

Ø  Post mortem is also done to recover organs in which experimental material has been injected.

Ø  Post mortem should perform in safety cabinot.

Ø  Materials removed from post mortem should be autoclaved or incinerated.

Ø  Post mortem should be under taken as soon after animals death to avoid bacterial and viral infections.

Ø  Carcasses of animals should be placed in 1% cresol and Later disposed off by buring after post mortem.

                 Post mortem report is written in following manner.

A. Atopsy number

B. Name of owner of animal

C. History of death- Died/killed/Experimented

D. Species/sex/breed/colour/age and clinical diognsis illness.

E. Muscutar rigidity found in muscles along with condition of nutritional states, skin, hair and condition of organs.

F. Description of material collected during post mortem

G. Result of Laboratory Experiment

H. Cause of death/ Etiological diagnosls.

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