Monday, September 14, 2020




Guiding Principles in the use of Animals:-

If is the primary duty of any investigator using an animal to show great eare & kindness in the animal. In some countries there are statutory provisions for the use of animal for experimental purpose.

Each establishment draws up an animal house code of practice for handlers of experimental animals. This code of practice usally includes the following guidance.

1. Living condition of the animal should be appropriate for their species and should contribute to their heath & comfort.

2. Invastigators and other personnel should be duty trained in handling animals and conducting experiments on living animals.

3. Animals selected for a procedure should be of appropriate species to obtain valid result.

4. Procedure involving animals should  be designed and performed with due consideration for their relivance to human and animal health and for the good purpose.

5. When using the animals discomfort distress or pain should be performed with appro priate sedation, Anaesthesia

6. Animals that would suffer severe or chronic pain or distress which caqnnot be relived should be painlessly killed at the end or of necessary during procedure.

7. When experiments to the above principle are required the decision should be taken by on appropriate outhority by the investigator himself oblique herself.


About animal house staff;-

The well being of laboratory animal depends largely on the technical skills of and a full understanding of the way of life of the animals by the staff of the animals house. The working staff has to make sure that supplies are adequate. This should be able to take appropriate decisions in an emergency. They should be aware of risk involved while working with the animals and practice they should have a carring and human approach towords the animals. They should not be handled with gloves and forceps except when dead or anaethesized.

→Physical feature of Animal house –

The feature requiring attension are as follows.

1. Door → they should be wide with no step. They may be of hard glars finish with an observation window.

2. Corri dors → the corridor should be relatively wide ton permit smooth flow of traffic.

3. Floors, walls, celling → Thesae areas should be of washable tiles or cement floor should be slooping to drain.

4. Window → There should be no window if the room are aircondition control machenical ventilesion (filtered) is freferable to open windows. Which may expose the animals to sudden draughts of air the rooms should be draught free and insect free.

5. Light → electrical fiting and wiring should be isolated and water proof lighting should not be too bright.

6. Temparature → the room temperature should be controlled between 18-22 ˚c Dily temperature record should be kept.




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