Wednesday, December 11, 2024


                                       IMPORTANT OF BONE
First of all I would like to say that there are 206 bone’s in human body.
As we all know that bone very important part of human body. Muscle in the help of bone to the different work. We can stand by the help of bone. There are 360
joint in human body. So we can understand that bone play a major role in human life.
Bones are very important think of human body. Which give shape and size of human body. Without bone we can’t ague human shape of face and different part of the human body, as like face of different person have different by the help of bone. Bone is also provide strength in human body. For wall and do various work. Bones also provide protection of human body, some part as like brain another part of human body’s.
Without bone can’t more infect we can’t survive. There are so many thing which we enjoy because we can go and wall. It is only possible, because we have bone which is possible maintain human whole body.
As without study no one can be a good /successful doctor, like this without bone is human body is unless.
                                                                                                                       RANDHIR KUMAR
                                                                       THANK YOU



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